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These freezer breakfast burritos are just the perfect grab-and-go breakfast! They’re filling and versatile, made with real, healthy ingredients like eggs, potatoes, cheese, salsa, tortillas, plus sausage, bacon, beans, or tofu.

two freezer-friendly healthy whole wheat breakfast burritos with eggs, potatoes, sausage, bacon and cheese

The Secret to Stress-Free Mornings

Let’s be real for a moment. For most people, the morning is the most hectic time of the day. Whether you’re trying to get your kiddos off to school or you’re guilty of hitting the snooze one too many times, there never seems to be enough time. And, if you’re like us, the first thing out the window when the morning gets away from? That glorious, nutritious, fit-to-feed-royalty breakfast spread you were planning.

Enter these life-saving Freezer Breakfast Burritos!

There’s something magical about breakfast burritos. I mean, having all your favorite breakfast foods perfectly wrapped up together into that perfect bite – what’s not to love?

These are so easy to put together, y’all! You can make a burrito just for yourself, or to feed a crowd. All the ingredients scale well! Find yourself in a hurry? You can also wrap these up in parchment paper or aluminum foil and take them on the go!

And of course, you can totally make a bunch at one time and then go ahead and freeze them. Total life-saver! Need a quick bite to eat for when the kids come home from school and are “just sooo hungry”? Bam – whip a breakfast burrito out of the freezer.

Why You’ll Love These Burritos


  • …easy to make.
  • …freezer-friendly.
  • …kid-approved.
  • …perfect for meal-prepping, pregnant or not.
  • …easy to adjust for a variety of dietary needs.
overhead shot of six healthy breakfast burritos filled with sausage, eggs and pico de gallo and vegan breakfast fillings

Ideal for Postpartum Meal Prepping!

This breakfast burrito recipe is actually also ideal for pregnancy and postpartum meal prepping! I filled up my freezer all three times I was pregnant, and it was so, so worth it after baby came.

Pro Tip: Start EARLY. The last thing you want to do is spend an entire day in the kitchen making freezer meals when you’re a gajillion weeks pregnant. I’m talking late second trimester, lady!

How to Easily Roll a Burrito

Step 1 -3: Fold in the sides of the tortilla over the filling and roll, tucking in the edges as you go. Make sure they are compact.

Step 4: Place your burrito seam side down on a baking tray and bake at 400º F for about 12 minutes, then let cool. Wrap your burrito in aluminum foil, place it in a freezer bag and freeze.

photo collage showing how to roll a freezer breakfast burrito

Chef’s Tips

  • If you store your tortillas in the fridge, bring them to room temperature before assembling your burritos.
  • To prevent a soggy tortilla, you should always add the grated cheese first — it helps separate the moist eggs from the tortilla.
  • Let the burritos cool down completely before freezing them.
  • Freeze the burritos in a single layer before transferring them to longer-term storage in a zip-top freezer bag.

Freezer Burrito Variations

  • These are just my favorite fillings, but one of the very best things about freezer breakfast burritos is how VERSATILE they are! Seriously, you can load them up with anything and everything you like, and have a different breakfast burrito every day. I’m talking chorizo, carnitas, ham, fried potatoes, baked squash, chickpeas, avocado, sautéed onions, roasted red bell peppers…the list is endless.
  • In that same vein, you can make these macro-friendly fairly easily. Skip the potatoes and use low-carb tortillas. Double up on eggs and meat or beans for more protein. Use both bacon and sausage (maybe even toss in some ham!) for a Meat Lovers’ breakfast burrito. Seriously, make this one your own in whatever way you need to!
  • Corn tortillas don’t wrap and freeze as well as flour ones. If you’ve got corn tortillas you need to use up, try my Breakfast Taco Casserole.
stacked healthy freezer breakfast burritos wrapped in aluminum foil

How Long Do Breakfast Burritos Last in the Freezer?

Up to 3 months, as long as you store them well!

Wrap each burrito tightly in 1-2 layers aluminum foil, then line them up on a baking sheet and freeze them individually for 1-2 hours. Once they’ve frozen individually, you can transfer them to a sealable freezer bag (like a Ziploc bag) or another freezer-safe, airtight container. If you’re using a bag, press or squeeze out as much air as possible before you seal it up completely. Then just toss the burritos in the freezer and you’re good to go!

Pro Tip: Make sure you label the bag or container with the date you made the burritos and what’s in them, especially if you’re making multiple different fillings. Future-you will thank you.

How Do You Reheat Them?

From Frozen

Microwave: Grab a burrito straight from the freezer and remove the aluminum foil. Cover the burrito with a damp paper towel (that way the tortilla will stay soft!) and place it on a microwave-safe plate. Microwave the covered burrito for 4 to 5 minutes depending on your microwave, but flip it over halfway through the cook-time to ensure it heats evenly all the way through. Keep it covered with a damp paper towel the whole time or the tortilla may dry out a little.

Note – cook times will vary depending on the strength and age of your microwave, so keep an eye on the burrito and adjust the time as needed.

Oven: Preheat your oven to 375° Fahrenheit. Leave the aluminum foil on this time and take the burrito straight from the freezer to the baking sheet. Pop the baking sheet in the oven and let it bake 20 to 30 minutes, then carefully check if the burrito is heated through. Add time as needed until everything is hot, then serve and enjoy!

From Defrosted

Stovetop: If you’ve got the time, this is my personal favorite method. Defrost the burrito(s) in the fridge overnight, then when you’re ready to eat, heat a large skillet over medium-low heat. Remove the foil and add the burrito straight to the skillet, then cover it with a lid. Let it heat up, covered, until the burrito’s golden on the edges and warmed all the way through.

Microwave: Again, defrost the burrito(s) in the fridge overnight. Remove the foil, pop it on a microwave-safe plate, and cover it with a damp paper towel. Microwave it on full power just 2 to 3 minutes, flipping halfway, until it’s warmed-through.

healthy whole wheat breakfast burrito filled with sausage, pico de gallo and scrambled egg on a white plate

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Recipe By: Cheryl Malik
5 from 12 votes

Freezer Breakfast Burritos (Vegetarian and Vegan Options)

Prep 30 minutes
Cook 15 minutes
Freeze 2 hours
Total 2 hours 45 minutes
Super versatile and perfect for prep, these freezer breakfast burritos are the absolute best grab-and-go breakfast.
8 burritos


  • colander or fine mesh sieve
  • Paper towels
  • air fryer optional but preferred for cooking tater tots
  • Large skillet
  • rubber or silicone spatula
  • plate or bowl, lined with paper towels to drain grease from bacon or sausage
  • medium mixing bowl
  • whisk
  • Oven
  • baking sheet
  • Spray oil
  • Aluminum Foil
  • sealable plastic bag or other freezer-safe, airtight container


For Breakfast Burritos with Meat & Eggs

  • cup pico de gallo store-bought or homemade
  • 16-32 ounces frozen tater tots ½ bag or 1 whole bag, as desired
  • 8 slices bacon or 1 pound breakfast sausage
  • 2 15.5-ounce cans beans of choice optional; drained, rinsed
  • 8 large eggs
  • cup milk of choice
  • salt to taste
  • 8 10-inch flour tortillas at room temperature
  • 2 cups shredded cheese of choice
  • ½ tablespoon taco seasoning store-bought or homemade, divided

For Breakfast Burritos with Tofu

  • cup pico de gallo store-bought or homemade
  • 16-32 ounces frozen tater tots ½ bag or 1 whole bag, as desired
  • 1 tablespoon neutral oil
  • 1 pound firm or extra-firm tofu pressed
  • 2 15.5-ounce cans beans of choice drained, rinsed
  • 8 10-inch flour tortillas at room temperature
  • 2 cups shredded cheese of choice optional, see Notes
  • ½ tablespoon taco seasoning store-bought or homemade, divided


  • Pour pico de gallo into colander or fine mesh sieve over sink to drain liquid. Spread 2-4 paper towels on flat surface and transfer pico to paper towels. Gently blot pico with additional paper towels if needed to further reduce liquid content.
  • Cook tater tots as directed on packaging. Note: my favorite method for really crispy tater tots is the air fryer. Find instructions here.

For Breakfast Burritos with Meat & Eggs

  • Heat large skillet over medium-high heat. Add bacon (or breakfast sausage) to skillet and cook until bacon is crisp (or until sausage is browned and crumbled). Transfer to plate or bowl lined with paper towels to drain. Wipe out skillet and return to stovetop. Reduce heat to medium-low.
  • In medium bowl, whisk together eggs and milk until mixture is light and no longer streaky. Pour egg mixture into skillet over medium-low heat. Cook, stirring slowly and constantly with rubber or silicone spatula, until eggs are cooked-through but still very soft. Eggs should look shiny, not matte, with little to no liquid remaining.
  • Remove skillet from heat. Season scrambled eggs with salt as desired, then stir in drained pico de gallo and drained beans. Set aside. Once mixture has cooled, continue with "To Assemble Your Freezer Burritos" section below.

For Breakfast Burritos with Tofu

  • Heat large skillet over medium heat, then add 1 tablespoon neutral oil. When oil is hot and shimmery, use hands to crumble tofu, then add tofu to skillet.
  • Cook until all liquid is evaporated and tofu begins to brown slightly, then add drained pico de gallo and drained beans to skillet. Stir well and cook until all liquid is evaporated again. Remove skillet from heat and set aside. Once mixture has cooled, continue with "To Assemble Your Freezer Burritos" section below.

To Assemble Your Freezer Burritos

  • Place one tortilla (room temperature or warmed, see Notes) on flat work surface. Preheat oven to 400° Fahrenheit. Lightly grease baking sheet with spray oil and set aside.
  • Burritos with Meat & Eggs: Place shredded cheese across center of tortilla, being careful not to get too close to tortilla edges. Top cheese with layer of tater tots, then cooled egg mixture, then bacon or sausage. Sprinkle taco seasoning over filling to taste. Set aside and fill remaining tortillas.
  • Burritos with Tofu: Place shredded cheese, if using, across center of tortilla, being careful not to get too close to tortilla edges. Top cheese with layer of tater tots, then layer of cooled tofu mixture. Sprinkle taco seasoning over filling to taste. Set aside and fill remaining tortillas.
  • When all tortillas have been filled, roll burritos one-by-one and place seam-side down on baking sheet. See Notes for burrito-rolling tips. Repeat with remaining burritos.
  • When all burritos have been rolled, place filled baking sheet in preheated oven. Bake burritos 10 to 12 minutes, then remove baking sheet from oven and set aside to cool.
  • Once burritos have cooled completely, wrap each burrito securely in aluminum foil, making sure to fully cover both ends and all sides. Place foil-wrapped burritos on clean baking sheet in one even layer and place in freezer for 1 to 2 hours. Once burritos have frozen individually, transfer them to sealable freezer bag or other freezer-safe airtight container and freeze until ready to enjoy.

To Reheat Burritos

  • Microwave: Remove aluminum foil and cover burrito with damp paper towel to keep tortilla soft when reheating. Place frozen burrito on microwave-safe plate. Microwave on full power for 4 to 5 minutes, flipping burrito over halfway through cook-time. Once burrito is heated-through, remove paper towel and serve.
  • Oven: Place foil-wrapped frozen burrito on baking sheet. Bake in oven preheated to 375° Fahrenheit for 20 to 30 minutes or until burrito is heated-through. Remove foil and serve.
  • Always add the cheese first – it’ll create a layer between the tortilla and filling, keeping the tortilla from becoming soggy.
  • Tater Tots: You can also use hashbrowns in place of the tater tots.
  • Eggs: These can be made with whole eggs or with the equivalent amount of egg whites.
  • Storage: Burritos can be frozen up to 3 months in an airtight container.
  • Make it Vegan: Obviously, you’ll want to make the tofu burritos and not the meat & egg burritos. Use vegan shredded cheese or skip it altogether, and make sure your tortillas, pico, and tater tots don’t contain any non-vegan ingredients.
  • Make it Low Carb: Use low-carb tortillas. Skip the beans and/or tater tots depending on your needs.
  • Make it Keto: Use keto-friendly tortillas and leave out the beans and tater tots. Bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast burritos are delish!
  • Make it Gluten Free: Use gluten-free tortillas. Make sure the rest of your ingredients don’t contain any hidden gluten.

To Roll Burritos

  1. Place filling layers in center of tortilla as instructed above.
  2. Lift top edge of tortilla and fold it down, toward you, to meet bottom edge of tortilla. Gently press on filling, transferring filling to bottom half of tortilla, then unfold tortilla.
  3. Fold left and right edges of tortilla over toward center of tortilla, covering as much filling as possible without overlapping edges.
  4. Bring bottom edge of tortilla up to cover filling completely and tuck bottom edge of tortilla underneath top edge filling.
  5. Gently but tightly roll burrito from bottom edge of tortilla to top, tucking in filling and excess tortilla as you go, until burrito is completely rolled. Place rolled burrito seam-side down on baking sheet and repeat with remaining burritos.

Tips for Rolling Burritos

  • Most importantly, be careful not to overfill the tortillas. If they’re too full you’ll have a hard time rolling them and they may tear. 
  • If you have a hard time rolling them anyway, try warming them slightly in the microwave, for 15 seconds or so. They’ll roll more easily and be less likely to tear if they’re warm. You’ll want to cover the tortilla with a damp paper towel while microwaving it, to keep it from drying out.

Approximate Information for One Serving

Serving Size: 1burrito with eggsCalories: 745calProtein: 33gFat: 34gSaturated Fat: 13gTrans Fat: 0.05gCholesterol: 230mgSodium: 1388mgPotassium: 687mgTotal Carbs: 80gFiber: 12gSugar: 5gNet Carbs: 68gVitamin A: 690IUVitamin C: 5mgCalcium: 409mgIron: 7mg
Nutrition Disclaimers
Number of total servings shown is approximate. Actual number of servings will depend on your preferred portion sizes.
Nutritional values shown are general guidelines and reflect information for 1 serving using the ingredients listed, not including any optional ingredients. Actual macros may vary slightly depending on specific brands and types of ingredients used.
To determine the weight of one serving, prepare the recipe as instructed. Weigh the finished recipe, then divide the weight of the finished recipe (not including the weight of the container the food is in) by the desired number of servings. Result will be the weight of one serving.

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  1. I hopped over from Instagram to grab the recipe for these! These seriously look like the best breakfast burritos! I’m going to try these tortillas, I’m super choosy on wheat tortillas. I’ve had cassava tortillas also and I really liked them.5 stars

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