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Matcha granola with dried blueberries. All of the goodness of matcha powder tossed with a delish granola. Perfect snack or breakfast--tons of antioxidants! VeganHow much do I love matcha?

Matcha granola with dried blueberries. All of the goodness of matcha powder tossed with a delish granola. Perfect snack or breakfast--tons of antioxidants! VeganWell, how much time do you have?

Ever since I knew it was a “thing”, I’ve gone with matcha-anything at every given chance: tempura green tea mochi at the ramen bar, matcha lattes at the Midtown coffee shop, tiny bags of the good stuff at the Asian market to take home and play with. I’m intoxicated by the grassy aroma, the vibrant shade of green, the indomitable nutritional benefits and raging antioxidants. Simply put, I’m hooked.

Matcha granola with dried blueberries. All of the goodness of matcha powder tossed with a delish granola. Perfect snack or breakfast--tons of antioxidants! VeganSo I figured that a sweet dusting of culinary-grade matcha would take my homemade granola from damn good to a mini-transcendental experience, whether it’s experienced layered with soy yogurt and fresh blueberries, as a stealthy handful in the afternoon, or in a cereal bowl in the morning, covered with almond milk that turns green on contact..

Matcha granola with dried blueberries. All of the goodness of matcha powder tossed with a delish granola. Perfect snack or breakfast--tons of antioxidants! Vegan..and I was right.

The grassiness of the matcha is toned down, balanced by the nuttiness of the roasted almonds and walnuts and the sweetness of the brown sugar and real maple syrup. The green tea flavor is there but it doesn’t smack you in the face. No, instead, it curls its pointed finger at you, beckoning “Here.. here I am.. did you notice?” Of course you noticed! But there was no assault involved.

Matcha granola with dried blueberries. All of the goodness of matcha powder tossed with a delish granola. Perfect snack or breakfast--tons of antioxidants! VeganA secondary benefit (or tertiary, even) to this matcha granola–past the ridiculous levels of antioxidants and general good-for-you–is the slow and subtle altertness that matcha’s caffeine, combined with its amino acids, promotes. You know that jittery buzz you get after one-too-many cups of coffee? Matcha is the opposite of that.

Finally, the dried blueberries toss in a new layer of sweetness, a subtle fruitiness that’s rich from the drying process; summer all year long. You could replace them with dried cherries, but I truly love how the blueberry and matcha play together here.

Matcha granola with dried blueberries. All of the goodness of matcha powder tossed with a delish granola. Perfect snack or breakfast--tons of antioxidants! VeganDo use only decent matcha powder–if you cut many corners here, you’ll end up with a tremendously bitter powder, and you just don’t want that! Nah, spring for some of the good stuff. You don’t need a ton, but it makes a huge difference!

Make this.

Recipe By: Cheryl Malik
4 from 1 vote

Matcha Granola with Blueberries

Cook 1 hour 15 minutes
Total 1 hour 15 minutes
Nutty homemade granola tossed with grassy, superfood matcha and complex, fruity dried blueberries. Perfect for breakfast or as a quick snack.
8 people


  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 2 cups about 2 cups nuts and/or seeds (I recommend almonds and walnuts and I added in some whole flaxseeds and chia seeds)
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons oil (melted coconut oil would work very well here!)
  • ¼ cup + 1 tablespoon real maple syrup
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon big pinch salt
  • 1 cup dried blueberries
  • 2 ½ teaspoons matcha powder


  • Preheat oven to 250º F.
  • In a large bowl, combine oats, nuts, and brown sugar.
  • In a separate bowl, combine oil, maple syrup, vanilla, and salt. Pour over oat mixture and toss to coat. Spread mixture out onto two baking sheets and bake 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and scrape mixture into large bowl. Let cool for a few minutes then sprinkle matcha over and toss to combine.
  • Keeps in an airtight container for several weeks.
Add in dried blueberries and toss to combine.

Approximate Information for One Serving

Serving Size: 8gCalories: 490calProtein: 11gFat: 25gSaturated Fat: 3gSodium: 305mgPotassium: 507mgTotal Carbs: 59gFiber: 9gSugar: 24gNet Carbs: 50gVitamin A: 63IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 68mgIron: 3mg
Nutrition Disclaimers
Number of total servings shown is approximate. Actual number of servings will depend on your preferred portion sizes.
Nutritional values shown are general guidelines and reflect information for 1 serving using the ingredients listed, not including any optional ingredients. Actual macros may vary slightly depending on specific brands and types of ingredients used.
To determine the weight of one serving, prepare the recipe as instructed. Weigh the finished recipe, then divide the weight of the finished recipe (not including the weight of the container the food is in) by the desired number of servings. Result will be the weight of one serving.

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  1. Wow! This matcha granola with blueberries looks delicious. I like this so much. It’s an interesting recipe. I have never try to make this kind of stuff. But seeing this I will definitely be going to try this recipe. Thank a lot for sharing.4 stars

  2. It’s so very pretty! I can’t wait to find some of that powder. I have macca powder right now and I’m assuming it doesn’t taste like that… that stuff is so very strong! The blueberries just make this perfect.

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