Food Blogging & Photography Coaching Program

If you already know you want to apply for the one-on-one food blogging & photography coaching program with Cheryl Malik, you can simply click here to start that process!

Whether you’re a brand new blogger looking to start out right or a veteran hoping to improve your reach, zero in on your target audience, define your brand voice, and make more money, my food blogging and photography coaching program is probably right for you! Really.

I spent years learning and growing my blog through trial and error; it wasn’t until years after my blog’s inception that I really identified the processes, analysis, and methods that catapulted my blog’s traffic and revenue to the next (and next and next) level. Need proof?

Orange: before process.
Blue: after. Hello.

Also, no big deal, but I grew my food blog income 3708% in 12 months! And I really want to help you take your blog to the next level, too.

My Food Blogging & Photography Coaching Program

The program is a 6-to-8-week hands-on one-on-one program that costs $4500. This coaching program is available while I develop an online course version of the content, after which the price of the personal coaching program will increase steeply (Translation: Take advantage now!).

Here’s what others are saying about the program:

If you’re thinking about investing in Cheryl’s program, don’t think twice about it. With 100% sincerity, Cheryl changed the game for my career, my business and my life. I was feeling stagnant and frustrated with blogging before the program and after I came out with a plan and tactics that helped grow my blog page views over 200% in just a few months. I went from making a few hundred dollars in ad revenue a month, to a few thousand in less than 6 months! Cheryl dives deep into everything you’re doing wrong and doing right to build a plan that works for you. I have systems and strategies in place that allow me to make passive income and work more strategically in my business. Her teaching style (you’ll become an SEO master, I promise!) is easy to understand and tailored to your blog, so everything feels very attainable and customized, which I loved. This was truly the best money I have ever invested in myself and one of the best decisions I have ever made for my business. 

– Elizabeth of The College Housewife

I have known Cheryl for over a year now due to me being on Youtube and reviewing Paleo recipes when I first started. I had the idea to start me a website in order to have my own platform. When I saw Cheryl had began coaching I thought why not? Little did I know that would be one of the best decisions of my life.

With only basic knowledge of SEO she helped me build my website and begin to optimize it. Within the first 6 months a website that had started from scratch and no authority on the internet I had reached 20k per month on visits. Her knowledge of Pinterest and Google helped me skip over harsh lessons that would have taken months to even years to learn by myself. Not only that but I am constantly praised for my level of food photography and this is due to her. I had zero knowledge in this field as well. Allow me to share a brief story.
With knowing nothing of food photography in my beginning stages I fell victim to frustration quite a few times. It seemed I was always missing something when sending my photos for her to critique. One particular shoot I thought the photos were great! Cheryl gave her advice that I needed to do a complete reshoot. Frustrated thinking this woman won’t give me a break, regardless I took her advice and tips then did the reshoot anyways. I sent one of those reshoot photos into Food Gawker and it became my first accepted photo onto their site. We rejoiced together.
After that day I never became frustrated again and welcomed all her critique with open arms. See, some people will gladly take your money but she has been brutally honest with me simply from doing her job and wanting me to succeed. I can’t stress to you the value in a good mentor. Swallowing your pride and allowing someone who has been there and whom can teach you the ways is beyond valuable. I am truly lucky to have found her and for anyone starting a blog I highly recommend her and her knowledge.
Hiring Cheryl as a blog coach was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business to date.  With her help, I was able to fast track my learning and grow both my traffic and my revenue in a matter of months.  Cheryl has a clear, organized, teaching style that helped me zoom in on the aspects of my blog that could be improved and she provided me with step-by-step instructions on how to do it.  We covered everything from photography and content to seo and ad networks in a matter of weeks.  If you are looking to improve your blog or want to put some effective strategies in place, I highly recommend Cheryl as a coach!                                        

Working with Cheryl as my blogging coach was one of the best things I ever did for my business. She gave me encouragement and practical step-by-step guidance to help me double my blog traffic in just a few months. Cheryl is one of those coaches who feels like a trusted friend and expert advisor. I highly recommend!!!

– Carrie Forrest of Clean Eating Kitchen

Here’s how it works:

We start with a brand development intake and strategy. This will help illuminate what you’re good at, what you’re struggling with, what you like doing and dislike doing, what resonates with your audience and what falls flat. It’ll truly define your passion and your experience and how we can use that. We’ll also detail your goals, which will guide the rest of the program.

I’ll then do a deep dive in your Google Analytics, ad revenue platform, and social media platforms. I’ll do a content analysis to see what does well and what about that content makes it so. I’ll pair this with your initial intake form, and I’ll then offer general recommendations for your brand and content, as well as give specific, tactical advice, and homework assignments based on those findings. We’ll do a video chat where we discuss these and you can ask me anything at all about blogging!

You’ll then have a couple weeks to take everything in and complete your homework, after which I’ll review your homework and analyze how it’s resonating with your audience, how traffic is changing, etc. At that point, there won’t be much change, but we’ll look to see any pivot at all. You’ll get more homework. Four weeks after your intake, we’ll review your analytics, new posts, and last homework assignment, and we’ll look for changes.

I’ll give further optimized recommendations, and you’ll get more homework. A month after your first homework assignment (6 weeks after intake), we’ll review your analytics in depth again. By this point, we should be seeing changes, and I’ll offer final recommendations based off my initial brand strategy, how that has changed, how your homework has impacted your traffic and other analytics, etc.

I can’t guarantee that your traffic, followers, or revenue will grow, but if you commit to the information and process, and you actually really do the work, there’s a really damn good possibility that you’ll see serious growth.

Interested? Let me know by filling out the form below, and I’ll get in touch!