An easy soy sauce substitute that's salty and rich but with a delicious fermented flavor that tastes so much like soy sauce, thanks to a secret ingredient! Whole30 and paleo, too. Made in 2 minutes with only 3 ingredients.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Strain into a jar or bottle and refrigerate. Keeps in the fridge at least 2 weeks.
Recipe Notes
Note 1Make sure your fish sauce is compliant and totally sugar free if on a Whole30. Red Boat Fish Sauce is the only brand I know of, and it's excellent!Note 2You can increase the coconut aminos as desired. Doing so will deepen the color and reduce the intense saltiness of the original recipe. However, I prefer this soy sauce substitute with 2 tablespoons coconut aminos per 1/4 cup fish sauce and 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sauerkraut juice.Note 3Make absolute sure that your sauerkraut is plain, not Garlic Dill, Red, etc. I like a fresh, refrigerated sauerkraut, like Wild Brine.Note 4Serving size is 1 tablespoon. Recipe makes 3/4 cup.